Southern Boys
The Southern Boys of the Union Confederacy
"Honor and Let These Boys In Too"
As a part of the healing process from the chattel slavery-race wound that makes our Union “a house divided”, and according to the last sentiments of Lincolns’ evolution in thought concerning the dead boys of the Confederacy,
it behooves us to now honor and include in the Gettysburg Address.
Remember, there was a time in the life of the greatest POTUS in our history that he too held some ignorant understanding on race and chattel slavery, et al, but evolved into the good and wise sense that GOD gave men in these sacred matters.
Example: In 1860, before stumbling into the revelation of GOD concerning them, Mr. Lincoln was not interested in freeing the chattel slaves, let alone ending the evil, dehumanizing practice, especially if it interfered with saving the Union…so he thought!
Apparently, Lincoln was suffering the same “disease” that the architects and signers of the Declaration of Independence suffered in 1776 concerning their chattel slave happiness, that is, living, human property when he said,
“If I can save the Union by freeing the slaves, then I would free the slaves. If I can save the Union without freeing the slaves, I will not free the slaves”
This is precisely what the founding fathers mistakenly choose to do as well before Lincoln, which ultimately resulted in the Civil War.
"These slaves constituted a peculiar and powerful interest. All knew that this interest was somehow the cause of the war."
They insisted on creating the Union without freeing chattel slaves in order to have it, when they should have freed them also as they did themselves, as the heart example of what they idealized in the Declaration.
Ironically, or in poetic justice, that which these great leaders rejected, 87 years later, became “that cause” by which the nation would be saved from the wrath of the Judge of all the world, after all!
Mr. Lincoln, rightly wised up in GOD, evolved or transformed into recognizing that freeing the chattel slaves represents the highest, moral cause of the Union, over which both northern and southern boys innocently died concerning, without which there is no United States of America.
Therefore, using his sentiments about healing, it is time now, 150 years post the Civil War, that the southern boys are honored and remembered in the great sacrifice as well as those of the Union.
Every one of The 740,000, innocent, young white boys and men, along with the 38,000 black lives that mattered, were every mothers’, southern as well as northern child who perished in the battles of the great conflict to free the chattel slaves in respect to the Declaration of Independence and GOD, the Central Figure thereof.
Therefore, as "the world can never forget what they did here”,
for the sake of healing, and to close the still yet open wound that makes the Union of We the People "a house divided against itself", along with the boys of the Union, we honor and remember those of the Confederacy too.