
The Obligatory Forgiveness of White Lives By Black Lives
Imperative To Forgive

The Sudden Surprise of Apology
For 145 years, a major point of contention has been the fact that the federal government of Union of We the People of the United States never officially recognized nor apologized for practicing its British inherited, 246 years of chattel slavery and 99 years of Black Code-Jim Crow racial discrimination legislation.

Finally, and surprising, on June 26, 2008, followed by the US Senate on February 3, 2009, the US House of Representatives enacted a resolution apologizing for chattel slavery, racial discriminatory legislation, i.e., Jim Crowism.

Previously, on February 7, 2005, the Senate enacted the first official governmental acknowledgement of wrong apology of any kind, which is, for this “nation of immigrants” lynching (murder/martyred) of tens of thousands of freed chattel slaves and their descendant children.

On June 2015, The Proclamation of Forgiveness was birthed, which is so far, a non-governmental response to the Apology Resolutions from the descendants of the freed chattel slaves, Freemen, refugees, i.e., colored peoples, black US citizens, referred to in the official, federal, legislative documents as, African-Americans.

Post enlisting the various church denominations, groups and individuals of black lives, it is expected that the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) will official respond to the Apologies, including a separate resolution for the Senate Lynching Apology. In fact, it behooves and is imperative of them to do so.

In this self professed, Judaic-Christian societal ethos, “one nation under GOD”, thereby aligning, even oaths and pledge, We the People of this Union with HIM, claiming to be HIS ambassadors of justice, executors of the Divine inalienable rights to all humanity, etc, it is incumbent upon us to obey and practice in attitude and deed, the fundamental precept of salvation, personal and collectively (national and generational), of apology and forgiveness.

Whether it is our personal spirit-soul unto eternal salvation, which is of the Jews, or/and collective, the conscientious practice of mutual Apology and Forgiveness between the “sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners” is the prescribed remedy whereby GOD will heal our combined, paternal twinned, white and black lives, US citizens’, race-wounds.

However, while it would be wonderful, but the whole populace of the Union will not endorse the ideals set forth in the Apology and Forgiveness resolutions based on these reasons argued by:I

A. Certain white lives that;
1. …slavery was 150 years ago and they were not there. In fact, their many of their ancestors fought the Civil War on the side of the Union, or were abolitionist, even helping escapees, et al.  Therefore, no need to apologize!

2. …their families are of post Civil War immigration heritage, having nothing to do with it.  Therefore, no need to apologize!

3. …they never supported the Jim Crow legislation and mistreatment to black lives, or/because their families came to US post that ugly era which ended in 1964 by the Civil Right Act, therefore, having nothing to do with that, no need to apologize!

B. Certain black lives that;
1. …given their historical record of suppressive colonialism of and unfair exploitation of “colored” countries around the world, the practice of slavery, waging horrific world wars, controlling world currency, etc., (that is, Europe & USA), it is literally impossible for black lives to trust the honest repentance of white lives. Some trickery must be attached. Therefore, will not forgive!

2. ..the damages done in the past by white lives to black lives is considered too severe and generational devastating. Therefore, will not forgive! 

Before his enlightenment on racial matters, the late, former Nation of Islam leader, Malcolm X exhorted black lives that as Christian, they were too forgiving, stating that if negroes knew and understood what whites have done to their ancestors, they would not, could not ever forgive them

Malek El Haj Shabazz asserted that a lack of madness and too much Christian forgiveness is the crux of what is wrong with black lives. They are too soft on the “white man” who is not reciprocal to them.

Down through eons, generations, decades and years, it is this sort of universal belligerence  that is resident (latent & active) in all peoples which agitates continual turmoil of bitterness, hatred and lack of graceful and merciful forgiveness, which is deadly cancer to the individual body-life and society as a whole dies.  

“A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones.” [Proverbs 14:30]

Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;”
[Hebrews 12:15]

Whatever the reasons for this very small minority of US citizens have against healing the racial wound of our hurting country, they are overridden by the masses whom are desiring GOD’s intent to heal us.

As poetic justice, not since our birth as a nation in 1776, apparently the Creator Who endowed both black and white lives equally, apparently has decreed this unprecedented, chaotic, racial derision and turmoil to force us “to sit together at the table of brotherhood” as Dr. King, Jr. prophesied.

“I have a dream, that one day…the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will sit together at the table of brotherhood.”


In the Mind of the Judge of the earth, it only takes a few to cause either disaster or blessings upon the lives of ignorant, non-participating masses chained in darkndence that we are right concerning HIS will in this matter.

As long there is a significant few in number whom HE judges to be of legitimate cause, the Judge of all the earth will render merciful justice, filled with truth and grace to heal the conjoined wound the “sons of former slaves and sons of former slave owners” and their descendant children.

“That be far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked: and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from thee: Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?” [Genesis

The Imperative To Forgive
The Obligatory Apology by White Lives to Black Lives