The Legacy of Charleston, South Carolina

The Legacy of Charleston
The Imperative To Forgive
“A bright light of Christ has shone out  of Charleston”

During the generations of the British inherited, peculiar institution of chattel slavery, Charleston, South Carolina was extremely in the midst of it, whereby it was a, if not the major slave trading port-town in the North American, English colonies revolutionized into the Union of the United States of America.

For 200 years, Charleston, dubbed the Holy City due to its inordinate number of Judaic-Christian, denominational churches with their steeples as skyline beauty, was the capitol or “ground 0” of the North American chattel slavery trade.

It is reported that between 40-60% of all slaves imported from Africa into the British Empire North American colonies passed through the auctioning markets of the “holy city”.

 When chattel slavery was ended, Charleston grabbed the dubious distinction as the first state to begin passing what became known as Black Codes and Jim Crow laws of discrimination and segregation.

This racist legislation was designed to force the freed chattel slaves and their descendant children back to a form of slavery, or at least deprive them of their promised, experiential, Declaration of Independence, “equal protection-justice under the law” US citizenship “as is enjoyed by white citizens” according to Section 1 of the 1868 Civil Rights Act (the Act)

“The Act” passed by the 39th Congress in 1866 and ratified in 1868, The Act is the Progenitor and “Rosetta Stone” (interpreter and Subject identifier) of the 14th Amendment, the official, National Birth Certificate and Identity Rights, commonly dubbed, “Birth Right Citizenship” of the freed chattel slaves, Freemen, refugees, colored peoples, Negroes, i.e., black lives.

In fact, the State of South Carolina itself was the first to secede from the Union on December 20, 1860, followed by the January 9, 1861 military aggression against Union Fort Sumpter.  Charleston has the dubious distinction of leading initiating the Southern Confederacy.

Ironically, given the recent developments in Charleston around the the Jesus-Yeshuah Believers forgiving those whom have trespassed against them, that perhaps, GOD is granting the peoples of that historical community to become the source of healing light for the wrongs and sins of the former generationsSee Charleston, Hall-Mark of Forgiveness

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